```php // instead of writing $admins = $users->filter(function (array $user) { return $user->is_admin; }); // You can simply write: $admins = $us...
Read moreDestructuring allows you to unpack values from arrays or objects in a breeze. Here's an example: ```javascript const person = { name: 'Aliceβ, age:...
Read more```php class BusinessDaysCalculator { private $holidays; public function __construct(array $holidays = []) { $this->holidays = co...
Read more```php <?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artis...
Read moreUsing the loadCount method, you may load a relationship count after the parent model has already been retrieved. ```php $post = Post::find(1); // Ea...
Read moreLaravel's Eloquent ORM allows you to cast attributes to native types, but sometimes you might want to apply casts dynamically based on certain conditi...
Read more```javascript const user = { name: 'Alice', address: { street: '123 Main St', city: 'Anytown' } }; // Without optional chaining const z...
Read moreSplFixedArray is a class in PHP's Standard PHP Library (SPL) that provides a more memory-efficient and faster alternative to regular PHP arrays when y...
Read moreYou can assign variables from array values using array destructuring. ```php $array = [1, 2, 3]; [$a, $b, $c] = $array; // $a = 1 // $b = 2 // $c =...
Read moreYou can use the ??= operator to assign a value to a variable only if it's currently null or undefined. This can be handy for setting default values co...
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